
ReFUEL youth group meets biweekly on Sundays from 6-8pm. Students in grades 6-12 come to refuel and reenergize to deepen their faith with God through Bible study, food, fellowship and fun games.
Mission: Connect. Discover. Grow. Youth Group is a place for our youth to connect with others, discover more about God and grow in their faith. **Ephesians 3:16-19

Service Projects and Mission Trips
Our youth are always looking for ways to serve God and help others. We strive to participate in multiple opportunities throughout the year.

Ignite - Grades 4&5
You asked for it and we heard you! Coming this
fall 2024 monthly youth group will begin for
grades 4&5. Bring your Bible. Invite your friends!

Stay Connected
Want to stay connected and keep informed
with upcoming events?
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram

Confirmation is a two year commitment for 7th and 8th graders to meet with our Senior Pastor and Youth Ministry Coordinator to discuss Lutheran Theology. This is a time for students to acknowledge their baptism through an Affirmation of Faith. Confirmation meets on Sundays, 5-6pm.

Wednesday Night Live
Wednesday Night Live (WNL) is a Bible Study group for junior high students grades 6-8. Meeting on Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30pm we dive deep into topics and stories of the bible to learn more about God and develop knowledge about Lutheran Theology.

Events and Fundraisers
Click below to download the latest calendar
of upcoming events and fundraisers
for St. Paul Youth.
Important Youth Forms
Want to Volunteer for our Youth Programs?
Chairperson: Chris Sheets
Vice-Chariperson: Jenny Welte
Secretary: Tina Cowan
Financial Secretary: Lindsay Follas
Members: Amanda Leu, April Smith
Youth Chairperson: TBD
Members: TBD
Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator: Amy Gibson